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Rabu, 17 Juli 2013

History of UMM

The University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) was founded in 1964, on the initiative of the characters and the Regional Leadership of Malang. At that time, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang is a branch of the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, established by the Foundation of Higher Education of Muhammadiyah Jakarta by deed of Notary R. Sihojo Wongsowidjojo in Jakarta 71 dated June 19, 1963 by Gouvernement Besluit No. 81 dated August 22, 1914.
At first, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang has three faculty:  School of Economics, Faculty of Law, and Faculty of Education and Teaching (FPP) Religious Education Department. The three faculty received a Listed status from the Department of Education and Culture, Directorate General of Higher Education in 1966 by Decree No. 68/B-Swt/p/1966 dated December 30, 1966.
On July 1, 1968 UMM officially became an independent university (apart from the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta) whose activities were in the hands of Muhammadiyah Malang Foundation for Higher Education, by the Notary R. Sudiono, no. 2, dated July 1, 1968. In the next development certificate is then updated by the Notary G. Kamarudzaman 7 dated June 6, 1975, and updated again by the Notary Kumalasari, SH No.026 dated 24 November 1988 and registered at the District Court No. Malang. 88/PP/YYS/XI/1988 November 28, 1988.
In 1968, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang add new faculty, the Faculty of Social Welfare, a filial of the Faculty of Social Welfare, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta. Thus, at that UMM has four faculties. In addition, the Faculty of Education and Religious Education Programs register learning as a Faculty of Religion within the auspices of the Department of Religion at the Faculty of Tarbiyah name.
In 1970 the Faculty of Tarbiyah gained equal status with the State Islamic University (IAIN), by the Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs No. 50 of 1970. In this year also the Faculty of Social Welfare changed its name to the Faculty of Social Sciences with the Department of Social Welfare. Then in 1975 the Faculty’s official stand-alone (separate from the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta) by Decree No. 022 Registered A/1/1975 dated 16 April 1975.
Faculty were then opened in 1978 as the Faculty of Engineering Academy of Engineering Malang and re-activation of the Faculty of Economics, Bachelor of Education program called the Academy of Accounting Muhammadiyah (AAM). In 1980 it opened the Faculty of Agriculture Agriculture Program, then follow the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, 1987. Between 1983 through 2008 open faculty and new courses, as well as an increase in status. Faculty is the Faculty of Medicine, which opened in 2001 and the Faculty of Health Sciences in 2007 to begin the establishment of Nursing Diploma course in 1993. The course is open Physician Education Studies Program, International Relations Program,
Informatics and Engineering Program Program Pharmacy, Nursing and Education S1 S1 PGSD. In 1993 the University of Muhammadiyah Malang opening Graduate Program and the Master of Management, Master of Rural Sociology, in 1996 opened a graduate program Master of Islamic Studies Program, and in 2004 adding 3 (three) Program, which is the Master of Agribusiness, Master of Policy and Development of Education and Master of Law, and in 2006 opened Masters in Psychology. Furthermore, in 2007, opened the Doctoral Program of Social and Political Sciences.
Until the academic year 2009/2010, UMM has 12 faculties. In the span of thirty years of traveling UMM (1964 – 1994), the most significant developments started in 1983′s. From that moment onwards UMM recorded impressive growth, either in the Subject field of improvement status, the administrative reform, the addition of facilities and campus facilities, as well as the addition and improvement of quality of managers (administrative and academic). In 2009, UMM combines the Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries into the Faculty of Agriculture and Livestock to fit consortium Agricultural Sciences.
In the area of ​​physical infrastructure and academic facilities, is now available three campuses: Campus I, Road No. Bandung. 1, Campus II at Jalan Dam No. Sutami. 188a, and Campus III. (Integrated Campus) at Highway Tlogo Mas. In the area of ​​increasing the quantity and quality of academic personnel, has been carried out (1) recruitment of young teachers from different universities in the island of Java, (2) increase the quality of the faculty by sending them for further study (S2 and S3) in as well as abroad.
Thanks to the struggle that knows no stopping it, so now UMM been transformed in the direction of college alternative. This has been admitted by Kopertis Region VII Coordinator, who in his official speech at the graduation of University of Muhammadiyah Malang dated July 11, 1992, stated that UMM relatively large colleges and universities prospected into the future. With the condition continues to increase, now the University of Muhammadiyah Malang proudly but humbly ready to face the future, to participate in the shared task “the intellectual life of the nation” and “building a complete Indonesian man” in the heading to the Indonesian nation with dignity and aligned with the nation-other nations in the world.

Vision and Mission of Muhammadiyah universities
1. Vision:
Making the top universities in the development of science, technology, and art (science and technology) based on Islamic values​​.
2. mission:
-Quality education.
-Conducting research and community services that improve human welfare.
-Organizing the university management mandate.
-Organizing academic in Islamic life so as to beruswah repertoire.
-Organizing cooperation with other parties in the development of science and technology


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